Principals Letter January 13th, 2023

Attendance at school is essential for children. Having a child come to school regularly, be on time, and stay for the entire day is the first step in students achieving academic and emotional success. When children are not in school, they are not learning. If you need...

Principals Letter January 6th, 2023

Happy 2023! Lunar New Year celebrations have begun. Students have watched a video of PS 20 families, staff, and students and learned about the different ways we all celebrate the New Year. Next Tuesday, January 10th, ABC Languages will launch their afterschool...

Principals Letter December 23rd, 2022

Have a safe & restful winter break! School opens Tuesday January 3rd. Make sure to test your child before returning in January. As RSV, Flu & COVID cases rise in NYC, the health department has recommended everyone return to masking for the next few weeks. For...

Principals Letter December 16th, 2022

Next week is spirit week and Winter Wishes. Students will be given their Winter Wishes on Thursday December 22nd. Please remind students that this is an opportunity to give back the way someone has for them. Espanate afterschool (Pre K-2nd) has a few more seats. Check...

Principals Letter

Next week is a short week with no school on Thursday and Friday. PS 20 wishes you all a Happy & Healthy Thanksgiving. Please test your child on Sunday, November 27th before returning to school on Monday November 28th for COVID. The school has distributed at home...