Principal’s Letter (December 18, 2020)

Principal’s Letter (December 18, 2020)

Greetings, We want to wish everyone a safe healthy Winter Break.  Take time during the break to turn off screens, put the devices away, and spend time together.  Consider reflecting on this past year.  While many of us have come to think of 2020 as one of our toughest...
Principal’s Letter (December 11,2020)

Principal’s Letter (December 11,2020)

Greetings, Thank you to our new families returning to in person instruction. Everyone was patient with the new paperwork needed and followed safety protocols to keep everyone safe.  Consider joining one of our upcoming family workshops run by The Child Mind...
Principal’s Letter (Dec 4, 2020)

Principal’s Letter (Dec 4, 2020)

Greetings, Welcome to our new principal’s blog.  Make sure to check out our website for updates each week and previous updates that went out.  Schools will be opening again on Monday December 7th. Staff called families to make sure they know what day their child will...