We had our OCT 2020 PTA meeting today. Please free free to view the meeting video recording below.
You can download the meeting minutes here: MEETING MINUTES
(VIDEO – 54 mins)
You will need a password (emailed out separately by our Parent Coordinator, Tina).
PTA General Meeting
Friday, October 30, 2020
- Welcome from the President / Call to order
- Principal’s Report (Ms. Sarah Pinto)
- NYU Dental
- 5th grade committee (Daisy Ng)
- Treasurer’s report (Grace Pai)
- 501(c)(3) update (Balin Brandt)
- President’s report (Jason Stewart)
- School photo day
- Volunteers
- Fundraising
- New business
- Announcements
- Upcoming meetings: 3rd Friday of every month at 6:30-7:30pm
- Adjournment