Over the past few years, the PS20 PTA has been working hard to become designated as a nonprofit organization. Having nonprofit status will open up new and larger fundraising opportunities for the school and community. The PTA plans to consult the community about the values and programs and goals that should be funded.
Plan & Timeline
The work of getting our nonprofit status (called a “501c3”) was started last year and has been ongoing into this year. Below are the remaining steps.
Submit Application
The first step towards getting nonprofit status is to submit an application to the IRS. The IRS review and approval can take anywhere from 3-6 months. We’ve been working closely with a pro-bono legal team to make sure everything is done correctly.
Elect a Board of Directors
While we wait for the IRS status approval to come through, we will hold public elections for the nonprofit‘s Board of Directors. Potential candidates will likely be a mix of current and previous PTA officers.
Town Hall
We plan to have an informational Town Hall meeting to discuss the nonprofit efforts and hear from the community. The meeting will be conducted by the School Leadership Team in conjunction with the PTA. Student council members will also be present.
Begin Fundraising
Some fundraising sources require more time than others. We are in the process of building relationships with private foundations and corporate contacts so that when we get our 501c3 status we’ll be ready to apply.’
Some Benefits of Becoming a NonProfit
There are many benefits to having nonprofit status for your PTA organization. A few of the main ones are listed below.

Easier Access to Grants

Larger Corporate Donations
Many larger companies can only contribute money to legal nonprofit organizations.

Employee Matching
Many companies will match employee contributions to nonprofit organizations.

Increased Support
New fundraising opportunities will allow the PTA to have a significant impact in supporting our school and community.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the PTA different now that it’s going to be a nonprofit?
We will still be a voice for all parents and a bridge with teachers to get our kids what they need! The biggest change is a legal one that allows us to raise more money – but it won’t change our values, our commitment to parents, or the way we work with you. If you want to get more involved there will be even more opportunities for leadership – check our the question below about becoming a board member!
Why did the PTA decide to do this now?
The PTA has worked on this through two sets of leaders because we recognize that it helps us raise more money for the school. We want to be able to give all of our kids everything they need and being a nonprofit will allow them PTA to contribute as much as possible.
Can I become a Board member?
Yes! All parents are welcome and we want the board to represent all of our communities at PS20.
What do I have to do as a board member?
How do I become a board member?
We are currently creating the process for this. For now, please reach out to any of the current PTA officers (or email us: ps20mBOD@gmail.com). They will be able to connect you and get things started.
I have another question that I don't see here.
Please come by the PTA Parent Room and talk with us. Or feel free to email us too: ps20mBOD@gmail.com